
DNAFORM Search Engine

Vector: pFLCIIISource: FANTOMCollection: FWDownload PDF Document
Vector Name: pFLCIII-L(pBAC)
Original Vector: pBluescript SK(+)
1st Primer for cDNA library construction: 1st-BS primer
2nd Primer for cDNA library construction: 2nd-linker (g-tail less)
Cloning Site (5'>3'): SalI/XhoI, BamHI
Selection marker: 100 µg/ml Ampicillin
This is special vector for cloning of long cDNA inserts.
Refer to the map given above for more details on sequencing primers for cDNAs cloned into this vector.
cDNA inserts can be released by digestion with homing endonucleases I-CeuI and P1-SceI.
It had been noticed that in some clones from this services the"SalI/XhoI" site has been duplicated.
Since the "SalI/XhoI" site cannot be cut, this does not effect the use of the clone.

Home cDNA Library DeepCAGE Service Clone Distribution

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