DNAFORM Clone Search Engine

Disclaimer and Policies

The information in our database has been taken from the public data resources of the RIKEN FANTOM, RIKEN human cDNA, RIKEN human ORF entry clones, RIKEN honeybee cDNA, MGC, ORFeome Collection, and NKI projects, or are otherwise provided by the originators of the resources. Although the information has been reviewed by us while building our database, K.K. DNAFORM cannot exclude that some of the information may contain mistake. Therefore all the information in our database is considered to be of experimental nature, and K.K. DNAFORM does not take any responsibility for the correctness of the information.

The DNAFORM Clone Search Engine is maintained by K.K. DNAFORM to provide information to our customers and Internet users. The provided information is "as is", and K.K. DNAFORM give no warranties on the accuracy or completeness of the information in our databases. K.K. DNAOFRM shall not be liable for damages of any kind whether direct, consequential or punitive arising from or related to information provided by the DNAFORM Clone Search Engine.

K.K. DNAFORM takes no responsibility for any of the information and content offered on pages maintained by other parties and linked to the DNAFORM Clone Search Engine. None of those homepages is owned or otherwise related to K.K. DNAFORM.

K.K. DNAFORM keeps the right to revise, update or change the content of the DNAFORM Clone Search Engine at any time. K.K. DNAFORM will make best efforts to maintain and update the information in the DNAFORM Clone Search Engine.

K.K. DNAFORM will enforce its intellectual property rights on product name, trademarks, trade secrets and copyrights as protected by law. The entire content of our web pages including any text, graph or photo is the property of K.K. DNAFORM and shall not be modified, reposted, downloaded or distributed without the expressed written permission of K.K. DNAFORM.

Powered by Japan Bioinformatics K.K.